What’s Going on in My Writing World

What’s Going on in My Writing World

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a specific update on my writing projects. I’ve shared how busy things have been here for DeBow Co. (my goofy little rhyming nickname for our family), but I’m still attempting to diligently get in some writing-related work at least four times a week. Here’s what’s going on in my writing world.

I’m honored to announce after having three short, short stories published in the online magazine Spark Flash Fiction, I was invited to join the staff as an editorial assistant! The invitation both shocked and thrilled me, and I happily accepted. Our next issue is the Spring 2023 edition and carries a STEM theme. “The Chemistry of Love” launches this Friday (as in, tomorrow!). I was privileged to edit three of the stories, and let me tell you, there are some fantastic pieces in this issue! The spring issue is full of super creative, swoony, and sweet variations on everything Science-Tech-Engineering-Math. Be sure to check it out!

Last week, I finished outlining the plot of the next novel I’m starting. It’s a romantic suspense story that includes law enforcement, an endangered kiddo, vengeance-minded bad guys, weather-related complications, and more. I’m mapping out a writing schedule and can’t wait to get started on the story – this week! I’m excited to see how the writing goes because this is the first novel I’ve completely plotted out before starting to write. It’s a very loose, vague outline because I don’t want to feel too hemmed in or structured, but I hope the outline will give me the skeleton on which to build the story and bring it to life.

In between plotting my next novel project and keeping up with blogging, I wrote a couple of flash fiction pieces and submitted them to a national print publication. Whether or not either of them is acquired, I’m proud of these two stories. I worked very hard to chisel each one down to under 800 words while still giving readers characters to connect with and a sweet contemporary romance.

I also completed and submitted a short, true story to a company publishing anthologies of uplifting and inspirational stories. Again, even if my piece doesn’t get picked up, I’m proud of myself for trying something new and actually submitting it. It’s been a process to gather the courage to submit pieces to publishers, knowing I’ll collect many more rejections than acquisitions, but it’s the only way I know to grow a thicker skin—which is so necessary in the publishing world—and to push myself to always keep writing.

I’ve got a writing wish list as long as my arm, but these projects have kept me putting words on the page each week while I manage all the home- and family-related tasks demanding my attention right now. I’ll be sure to keep you posted with any updates, so keep checking back in. Or better yet, subscribe to my blog so you’ll never miss a post.

What’s going on in your world? Is this time of year busy for you or do you experience a lull? How do you balance all the things?