What it Takes to be a Good Writer

What it Takes to be a Good Writer

I’m feeling this meme so deeply lately. In addition to trying to keep up with all my writing goals and balancing my writing life with our everyday home life, we’re hurtling toward our son’s graduation in just under six weeks. My to-do list leading toward Big Kid’s graduation grows each day, filling up with tasks such as order announcements and party invitations, plan senior trip, plan party (which spawns a completely different, additional task list), iron graduation gown, and more.

The never-ending checklist has me on the computer even more than usual. To say I find myself often launching on internet rabbit trails is an understatement. I’m trying to protect my usual blocks of writing time, but the struggle is real. So today, I’m keeping this short and sweet and sharing this little funny that I found so timely and relatable. And I’ll be hoping for better days ahead.

2 thoughts on “What it Takes to be a Good Writer

  1. I’m so proud of you Laura. You are a great daughter, wife, momma and writer. You make it look easy, but I know it’s anything but easy. Just remember you are a daughter of the king! I love you too the moon and back 💛 💓 💗

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