Happy 18th Birthday, Big Kid! In Honor of My Son

Happy 18th Birthday, Big Kid! In Honor of My Son

The season felt so far off in the distance, yet it is upon me in a flash. Our son is a senior in high school, and he turned 18 this week. I’m sure all mamas think this of their sons, but Big Kid is something special. Let me tell you about him.

Big Kid was a highly anticipated, greatly desired child. My husband and I married in our late 20s, then waited nearly four years to have children. When we learned we were expecting, excitement gripped us. We were ready to be parents. Big Kid’s life began with a somewhat rocky start, when he arrived more than five weeks early. Lots of joy, fear, hope, and pain colored the first few weeks of his life as we did time in the NICU and relied on a host of medical interventions to get him healthy enough to bring home.

Even in the NICU, we could tell he was a sweet child. He rarely fussed – despite all the medical paraphernalia attached to him – and loved to cuddle. We enjoyed his first smiles while still in the hospital. Big Kid turned out to be the sweetest, happiest cuddle bug of a baby. He smiled his gummy grin all the time and giggled so much.

As a joyful toddler, he was playful, messy, hilarious, and curious. He asked sooooooo many questions all the time. He adored playing and learning, having inherited my deep love of books (YAY!). In fact, once he learned to read, we’d often catch him after bedtime reading with a flashlight under his covers. This guy is such a kid after my own heart! 

Big Kid has a vast capacity for learning and has passionately pursued knowledge about his myriad interests over the years with a laser-like focus: trucks and construction equipment, weather, airplanes and tanks, cooking, history, music, military, football, firefighting, and more.

Throughout his 18 years, Big Kid has weathered some challenging seasons, as most people do during life. He’s been so brave in facing these challenges and has come out on the other side of the valley stronger each time. He has an immense love and compassion for others, always trying to see and believe the best in everyone. Our delightful son has a lion’s heart and is a true servant leader.

Above all, though, is extroverted Big Kid’s fondness of a great time. He loves his friends fiercely and is his best self when he’s part of a brotherhood. He is all about the fun and games – and he can make his own fun anywhere. As a little guy, every time we’d go out to eat, once he was finished, he’d jump up from the table and dance to whatever background music was playing in the restaurant. It was adorable and hilarious. That kid (still) loves to groove! 

Big Kid is an Enneagram Type Seven, known as “The Enthusiast.” He’s a textbook example of this type, completely personifying the Enneagram Institute’s description of a Seven. Some of our nicknames for him are Big Fun, Party in a Box, our Renaissance Kid/Man, and our Human Golden Retriever. 

As he’s grown older, he’s had to temper his passion to party because often he would try to forgo studying for fun with friends. True to a Seven’s form, he’s intelligent but not exactly studious. He knows this about himself and has had the maturity to question the wisdom of zooming away to college this coming fall. Furthermore, his passion for all his interests has him not quite sure of what should be next for him after graduating high school. And we’re okay with that. We want him to be confident in the decision of what he decides to do, because once he determines his path, experience has shown us that he will pursue it wholeheartedly.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

So for now, we continue having discussions about gifting, calling, and interests. We’re researching options and programs. We are all praying for wisdom and discernment, and trust that in God’s timing, Big Kid’s path will be made clear to him (and us). Even as his next steps are uncertain, Big Kid is demonstrating resilience, maturity, and grit as his strength of character continues to be revealed. And to me, that is far more valuable than knowing exactly what he’ll be doing several months from now. Whatever Big Kid chooses to pursue, we know that the Lord will go before him.

Happy 18th Birthday, Big Kid! We are immeasurably proud of the young man you’ve become. Keep sharing your light with the world! I can’t wait to see how God uses you for his kingdom!

One thought on “Happy 18th Birthday, Big Kid! In Honor of My Son

  1. Tears of joy and pride! Beautifully written from your heart. I’m so proud of that young man and you and hubs for raising him so well. I have so much love for your family!

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