Book Review: The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold

Book Review: The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold

The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip is not the type of book I usually gravitate toward. Contemporary Romance is more my jam, but the only “romance” in this book is between Jesus and His people. I’m so thankful for my Facebook reading groups. I find scores of new books and authors from fellow voracious readers in these communities. When this contemporary fiction debut by Sara Brunsvold kept popping up in my feed, I decided I better pay attention. Dear reader, you may want to, as well.


A throwaway assignment is about to change two lives forever.

Aidyn Kelley is talented, ambitious, and ready for a more serious assignment than the fluff pieces she’s been getting as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star. In her eagerness, she pushes too hard, earning herself the menial task of writing an obituary for an unremarkable woman who’s just entered hospice care.

But there’s more to Clara Kip than meets the eye. The spirited septuagenarian may be dying, but she’s not quite ready to cash it in yet. Never one to shy away from an assignment herself, she can see that God brought the young reporter into her life for a reason. And if it’s a story Aidyn Kelley wants, that’s just what Mrs. Kip will give her—but she’s going to have to work for it.

All the wild ways to die could never compare to how she really lived.

Woo, where to begin? This novel was nothing short of extraordinary. I cannot recall ever reading another story quite like it. I immediately adored the vivacious Mrs. Kip. With the terminally ill 79-year-old Clara Kip front-and-center of the story, I knew this would be a different read. It’s so rare to find a book featuring an older main character. Especially one who is sick enough to be in hospice care. I hate to confess I did not care for Aidyn much in the beginning. Her character took awhile to grow on me, which I suppose was probably the point. Because by the end of the book, her growth in depth and maturity was delightful, a triumph.

I enjoyed the supporting characters, as well. Martha, Mai, Mr. Slesher, Woods, Rahmiya, the Sacred Promise staff, and even Shana all contributed to the rich story. The Laotian storyline taught me a part of history I was completely ignorant of. As usual when I learn of new-to-me historical occurrences in a novel, I was driven to do some Googling and plan to research more soon.

This book challenged me. It forced me to take a hard look at how I view the elderly. I am ashamed to admit that I have sometimes been guilty of the same attitude toward seniors that Aidyn held in the beginning of the novel. Thankfully, the older I get, the more aware I grow of how much wisdom we can soak up by paying attention to the elderly. It’s funny, I often find myself reminding our teenagers that my husband and I had robust lives long before they came along. We’ve experienced and accomplished much, and they could learn a lot from us if they took the time to ask and listen. We would all do well to remember the same goes for the aged. Think of all they’ve encountered and lived through and what we could glean from their wisdom. I perked up every time Mrs. Kip encouraged Aidyn to “write this down, honey!” I found myself wanting to also jot down that “pure gold.”

Mrs. Kip’s zeal for life and love for others convicted me regarding how I’m doing at living life. Am I just coasting through, focused on myself? Or am I out there, truly embracing life to the fullest, fulfilling God’s purpose for me? How am I doing at dying to self? We are given but one life, after all. Brunsvold painted a beautiful picture of Mrs. Kip’s others-focused approach to life. Her shift in focus as a young widow from her own grief to the needs of others is a tremendous part of what allowed her to live such an extraordinary life.

This novel was filled with scripture and biblical references. While I can’t recall a specific attribution to 1 Corinthians 13, I felt the theme of faith, hope, and love – and the greatest of these is love – keenly throughout this story. What a different world we would live in if we all looked at it through that lens!

Bottom Line:

Does this buzz-worthy novel live up to all the hype? Oh yes, it absolutely does! I learned after starting that it won the 2020 ACFW Genesis Award for Contemporary Fiction. So deserving. This book is beautifully written, and much of Brunsvold’s prose was downright lyrical. I listened to The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip on Audible, but I think I’m going to have to purchase a hard copy for a slow, deep re-read, highlighter in hand. But the audiobook was wonderful, with the excellent narrator bringing Mrs. Kip, in particular, to life. I have to confess that every time Aidyn’s editor, Woods, spoke, I could not help but conjure the image of the Monsters, Inc. secretary, Roz! Whether you listen, download it to your Kindle, or grab a hard copy, do yourself a favor and read this extraordinary book. 


Sara Brunsvold creates stories that speak hope, truth, and life. Influenced by humble women of God who find his fingerprints in the everyday, she does the same in her life and her storytelling. Sara’s recognitions include the 2020 ACFW Genesis Award for Contemporary Fiction. She lives with her family in Kansas City, Missouri, where she can often be spotted writing at a park or library. Learn more and sign up for her newsletter at