As I’ve shared before, I’ve really fallen in love with writing flash fiction. Crafting short stories of 1,000 words or less challenges my creativity and helps me start and finish projects that boost my writing momentum. Spark Flash Fiction, the online magazine featuring short and…
Christmas Reads for 2022
Halloween is less than two weeks away, but already many people’s minds are tuned to Christmas. Big-Box Retailers rolled out holiday decor weeks ago, and the Hallmark Channel launches its Countdown to Christmas this Friday (yeah, as in, tomorrow)! It seems like Christmas comes earlier…
Bible Study: The Gospel of John
For the first time since moving to Georgia four years ago, I have finally joined a women’s bible study at our church. I used to participate in them regularly at our church in Texas, but because I was resistant to our move and nursing a…
What I’ve Been Working On
Jaunting down research rabbit trails aside, I’ve been very busy over here working on all the writerly things. What sort of writerly things? I’m so glad you asked! When I launched my website, I committed to myself to publish a blog post every week. It’s…
Happy Birthday, Little Bit! A Tribute to My Daughter
I love my kids. Like really love them, but more than that, I like them. A lot. They are at cool ages where, for the most part, we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. We do fun things together like run errands, putter in the kitchen,…