Awe-Inspiring Images from Space

Awe-Inspiring Images from Space
Carina Nebula from Webb Telescope
Carina Nebula

Science has in no way ever been my best subject. I would never be considered a science or space geek, though I visited the Smithsonian’s Air & Space Museum numerous times during my elementary school years. But I have to confess that the images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have captivated me. Have you seen them?

Deep Field from Webb Telescope
SMACS 0723

As I was praying over what to post next on this blog, I considered a handful of already- or nearly-completed pieces. I try to make it a habit to carve out quiet time to pray and journal before I do any writerly things, but – full disclosure – I’ve gotten off track the past several weeks. But today was the day I determined to get back on track.

One of my favorite journaling resources is the Write the Word® journals by Cultivate What Matters. They offer several different themes; I have five of them. Each day gives a pre-selected scripture to write out and pray/journal over. This morning, I chose the Cultivate Faith themed book, which I had not cracked open before. The passage selection was Genesis 1:1-2, which felt very much like a God nudge to write on the Webb Telescope photos, which had already been capturing my attention.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” ~Genesis 1:1-2.

Dying Stars Webb Telescope
Southern Ring Nebula

The various Webb Telescope photos show star birth, galactic mergers and interactions, and dying stars. I don’t know about you, but I cannot help but feel infinitesimally small looking at these images. The vastness of the universe is incomprehensible to me, and these photos leave me awestruck and humbled. I won’t even pretend to understand the distance and time traveled to capture these breathtaking images. Such evidence of God’s power and majesty has me at a loss for words. But it does bring to mind another fitting scripture:

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” ~Psalm 19:1

Stephan's Quintet Webb Telescope
Stephan’s Quintet

I look so forward to enjoying more images to come from this amazing feat of technology. What about you? Have you given these photos more than a passing glance? What do you think about them? Do you also see God’s fingerprints?


All photo credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScl