A Tribute to My Son, the Navy Recruit

A Tribute to My Son, the Navy Recruit

CONTENT WARNING: This post is an unabashed praise-fest of my wonderful son. I may ramble a bit. Sorry, not sorry.

It’s been an emotional, eventful month. The day after Christmas, our son Big Kid—otherwise known as Wes—went to MEPS (military entrance processing station) and returned home the next day with a formal Navy enlistment contract and a ship date three weeks out (and one week after his nineteenth birthday).

Yesterday we delivered him to his recruiting station, and today he’s flying out for boot camp. It’s impossible to put into words what I’m feeling because I’m not sure exactly what I’m feeling. Pride and excitement, to be sure, but also pre-emptive grief over the vacuum his adventure will leave in our home and a bittersweetness over how quickly our baby boy grew into a young man. And the next time I lay eyes on our son, he will be a United States Sailor.

Something I’ve told our kids throughout their growing-up years is that it’s my job to put myself out of a job. My husband and I have prayed over and labored to do our best to raise kind, independent, productive human beings who will make this world a better place. Parenting is hard work. It doesn’t matter how great a kid is—and all biases aside, Wes is truly a great kid—raising up a child in the way they should go is filled with joy and laughter, but also hardship and heartache.

We tried our best to model love, humility, grace, forgiveness, kindness, integrity, and all the other traits we wanted to instill in our children, but we are far from perfect. We didn’t have experience in this area, after all. Wes is our firstborn, so he got the more experimental version of our parenting efforts; he was our test drive. Some things I feel we nailed; others, not so much.

This past summer, we threw a party after Wes’s high school graduation and another as his boot camp send-off this past weekend. The wonderful words spoken and written about, and the tears shed for him by friends and family hint at the love and respect the people in Wes’s life have for him. His absence will be keenly felt by all of us. But I suspect not a single person doubts this path is God’s call for Wes.

Wes has always exhibited first-responder tendencies; it seems inevitable he’d travel that path. Anyone who has known him any length of time knows him to be a servant leader, a tender warrior, a true patriot, and a lover of people. He’s compassionate, he rolls with the punches, he’s resilient, he’s dedicated, and he thrives on teamwork and collaboration. He came thisclose to becoming a firefighter, but after deep reflection and self-evaluation, he returned to his initial planned path of military enlistment. No one is surprised at Wes’s decision to pursue the military, as he’s been passionate about military history from the time he learned to read.

This is the US Navy’s Sailor’s Creed:

I am a United States Sailor.
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me.
I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world.
I proudly serve my country’s Navy combat team with Honor, Courage and Commitment.
I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.

During his high school football career, Wes was presented the FCA award, acknowledging the way he lived out the organization’s “four core” values of integrity, excellence, serving, and teamwork. In hindsight, receiving that award looks a lot like a hint at what was to come. The Navy’s core values are Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Wes has demonstrated these traits time and again in his life. In the way he respects others and is guided by his faith. In the way he has tried new things or has been afraid but charges ahead anyway. In the way he puts his mind to something he’s passionate about and gives it his all. I believe these values and experiences will serve him and those around him well, not only in the Navy, but in life.

I could go on about my son forever. I love this child who made me a mama immeasurably and am bursting with pride over the young man he is. While my husband and I could try to take credit for a job well done as parents, the truth is, God, in his grace, blessed us with stunningly good material to work with. The verse we chose for Wes at his baby dedication is Colossians 1:9-10:

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…”

I’d like to think that these prayers have been and will continue to come to pass as Wes continues his journey. Dear readers, we would be honored if you would join us in praying this over our son.

20 thoughts on “A Tribute to My Son, the Navy Recruit

  1. Beautifully written, Laura.

  2. Beautiful tribute sis. 😘

  3. Aunty Jen is bawling here!!! From the tiny guy I brought presents for every single month of his first year of life, to the tall, strong, strapping man I enjoyed lunch with not long ago, I’ve been in awe of who he was, is, and will become. Lou, you and Scott have done an excellent job of raising both the kiddos!! Leading by example surely has paid off!!! I’m so proud of Wes and know this is exactly what he’s been called to do and will excel at it, as he has everything he’s set his mind to do!!

    • Post Author Laura DeBow

      Awwww, thanks Jen! I know he’ll make us all so proud. We can’t wait to see the young man he’s grown into even just during boot camp!

  4. This is a wonderful tribute to a great son Laura and Scott. He will exceed in all he plans to do. He has God with all the way. He is such a fine young man and you have every right to be so proud of him. I am praying for you as a family and for him as he go’s into his training. God’s Blessings on you All 🙏 ❤️ Aunt Mary

    • Post Author Laura DeBow

      Thank you, Aunt Mary! I can’t wait to see all he does. We are grateful for your prayers!

  5. Beautifully said! My heart swelled with pride and my eyes brimmed with tears as I read your tribute to Wes. It brought back memories of my own children’s launch into the adult world. Not only am I a proud of Wes, I am proud of you and Scott.

    • Post Author Laura DeBow

      Thank you, Ang! It’s amazing to watch our babies go out and make their own way in the world!

  6. Beautiful. We are so proud of all of you and we are SO excited for Wes. Please keep us posted! Love you guys

    • Post Author Laura DeBow

      Thank you, Becky! We’re excited too! We’ll miss him so much but I can only imagine how wonderful this experience will be for him. Love y’all, too!

  7. So good Mama!!

  8. What a beautiful story about Wes! We miss him so much and it’s only been 2 days! I can not even imagine what you are feeling! He is going to shine and make you so proud! Love you!

    • Post Author Laura DeBow

      Thanks, Amy! Y’all are like his second family! I know y’all are as proud of him as we are!

  9. Theresa S Ingles

    A beautiful tribute, Laura. I feel as if I know Wes, even though I’ve never met him.
    You know that I am praying not only for him, but also for you.

  10. Beautifully written Laura. And what a wonderfu sentimental treasure that you are giving Wes with your written honorary words from your mama heart.

    • Post Author Laura DeBow

      Thanks, Ang! He’s an easy guy to gush about. Thanks so much for your support of him!

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