2023 Reading Wrap-up and 2024 Reading Goals

2023 Reading Wrap-up and 2024 Reading Goals

January is that time of year when we all set fresh, new goals for ourselves. We may pledge to eat healthier, move our bodies more, prioritize our lives better, declutter our spaces, or—my personal favorite—read more books.

Last year I initially set my 2023 Goodreads Reading Challenge goal for 80 books, to outpace my 2022 reading goal of 70 books (which I surpassed by reading 82 books that year). At my midyear check-in this past July, I was ahead of schedule and decided to bump my 2023 reading goal to 100 books. I was astonished to see at the end of the year, I had consumed 175 books!

I’ve shifted my mindset regarding books in recent years. For most of my reading life, I was a purist, insisting on reading only print copies of books, hardbacks being my preference whenever possible. When my personal library grew to bursting at the seams and I realized the value of having many books at my fingertips by carrying around my Kindle app-equipped iPad, I begrudgingly persuaded myself to begin reading e-books. I did not love it at first, but I became accustomed to it in time.

I initially dipped my toes into the pond of audiobooks while homeschooling our kids. We did a lot of reading aloud, but sometimes I could be using that time to do household chores while my kids enjoyed their read-alouds. Plus, I have this super-weird thing that when I read aloud for long periods of time, I start yawning. A lot. I think maybe it has to do with me not pacing my reading and breathing properly? Anyway, it could be distracting, so we tried a couple of books via Audible. I discovered I enjoyed listening to books way more than I thought possible.

When I learned membership to our local library system included access to both Hoopla and Libby, I really got into audiobooks. This past year, I still read many books in print and digital formats, but audiobooks are how I managed an unprecedented—for me—175 books. I listened to books while I got ready for the day. I listened to stories when I did laundry or was in the kitchen. I listened to tales while exercising and shopping. And I listened when I was in the car, which is a majority of my time as I’m chauffering Little Bit all over the Greater North Georgia Metro Area and beyond for all the sports things.

I’m overdue in setting my reading goal for 2024, but I’ve decided to shoot for 100 books again. I’m sure with the utilization of audiobooks, I could easily get to 200. While I’ve enjoyed getting into audiobooks and how many I can get through, I had an epiphany of sorts with all my listening last year. When I’m plugged in listening to stories, I’m not really present. I’m not allowing myself to truly focus on the task at hand or creating enough margin to just be still. I’m not as free to be others-focused when I’m wrapped up in an audiobook.

I’d like to get back to using some of my story-listening time for praying, engaging more with those around me, and listening to what God might have for me to hear instead of being entertained by stories. And so, I’ll set a lower goal for myself, read more via hard or digital copies, and remind myself what it’s like to enjoy peace and quiet.

How about you, friends? Have you set a reading goal for 2024? Do you enjoy audiobooks? What is your favorite reading format?