Christmas in July: What Hallmark Channel Does Really Well

Christmas in July: What Hallmark Channel Does Really Well

July has snuck up on us like a leopard stalking its prey. Whoa, didn’t my kids just get out of school for the summer? Wasn’t graduation just a few days ago? Hmmmm, seems I need to pay better attention to my calendar as the days are flying by.

So here we are, in fact racing through the first week of July. In addition to Independence Day celebrations and scorching hot temps, July brings with it a delightful summer surprise: Hallmark Channel’s Christmas in July extravaganza.

I know, I know. People’s opinions of the Hallmark Channel vary widely. My personal belief is that the never-ending barrage of formulaic, happily-ever-after sweet romance movies make the perfect backdrop to my time in the kitchen. In fact, the only other thing besides Hallmark movies I ever watch while making dinner for our family is the steady stream of cop show re-runs featured on the Lifetime network (but that’s another story for a different day). Both options give me entertaining background noise that I can sort of keep up with while not requiring my undivided attention.

The whole “Christmas in July” phenomenon has apparently been around for nearly a century. From a brief internet search, I discovered the idea is said to have been birthed by a girls’ camp director in North Carolina in the 1930’s. But Hallmark didn’t pick up the “Half Christmas” concept until 2012. When they did, they embraced it and ran with it, leading to a smashing success.

Now, during the entire month of July, the feel-good channel offers twelve hours a day of original Christmas movies. And I am here for it! Hallmark’s Christmas in July is the summer event we didn’t know we needed. By the time July rolls around, we’re all probably looking for a way to beat the heat, break up the summer days often frantic with kid-centric activities, and escape the reality a nonstop news cycle depresses us with.

Let’s be honest, when people are hot, they can get cranky! What better way to diffuse increased irritability than to settle down in front of a fluffy movie filled with cozy ambiance and holiday cheer? It’s hard to be grumpy while enjoying a light-hearted movie featuring snow, hot cocoa, and holiday baking that you know will wrap up with a happy ending after two hours. I know the movies are predictable and cheesy, but man, do they make me happy!

Who can say “no” to romance trope staples such as enemies-to-lovers, friends-to-more, second-chance love, adorable meet-cute, or opposites attract all set against a winter wonderland backdrop? Stir in small-town charm, several near-kisses, a darling kid or pet, and a saving-the-day scenario (usually from a disaster or corporate takeover of some sort) with a dash of holiday magic, and Hallmark has perfected the recipe for the consummate warm, fuzzy, and very satisfying story.

This year, Hallmark is introducing two brand-new movies into their back-to-back rotation of fan favorites. The marathon of sweet holiday-themed movies breeds familiarity, comfort, and nostalgia. After a particularly frenetic June of graduation celebrations, company in town, a short beach trip, and multiple sports camps, I am so ready for a slow-down. What better way to rejuvenate than to enjoy the guilty pleasure of one of the things Hallmark does best?

What are your thoughts on Hallmark Channel movies? What about their Christmas in July event? Are you a fan of the general concept of “Christmas in July” or do you believe Christmas and all the related holiday fun belong firmly entrenched in the most wonderful time of the year?

2 thoughts on “Christmas in July: What Hallmark Channel Does Really Well

  1. Love this and it is so you! Love the thought of Christmas in July, especially thinking of the cool snow when it’s 100 plus outside. I just may try to get through one of these stories! Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning

    • Post Author Laura DeBow

      I really do believe it helps make it seem not so hot. You should watch some Christmas in July movies! Who can resist spontaneous carol singing, fun snowball fights, and delicious Christmas baking shenanigans? It’s so wholesome! 😉

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