Writer Internet Search History (or How to Look like a Psycho without Trying)

Writer Internet Search History (or How to Look like a Psycho without Trying)


For fiction writers, conducting research is a big part of our process. It’s necessary to ensure we get details right in our stories, particularly when the topic is something we’ve previously had no knowledge or understanding of. The internet offers the easiest way to conduct research, with countless sources of information just waiting at our fingertips. Sometimes our browser histories are just random or weird. But when we write thrillers, mysteries, or suspense, often our searches can lead us to dark places. 

Some author search histories can be downright disturbing and will have us defending ourselves from accusations of being a serial killer or just a garden variety psycho. Many jokes and memes have been made about authors being on the watchlists of various government agencies, such as the NSA, FBI, and more. Just for giggles, I thought I’d share some of my internet search history as I’m working through my rewrite of The Wedding Belle, my romantic suspense WIP:

  • Can a traumatic brain injury immediately cause death
  • Blunt force trauma death
  • Anatomy of a skull
  • Location of the middle meningeal artery
  • Vintage cars
  • Cornhole leagues
  • Degree programs at Cornell and Emory Universities
  • Perimeter Park, Atlanta
  • Gentrification in Atlanta
  • City vs. county law enforcement roles, jurisdiction
  • Modern organized crime in major US cities
  • Types of businesses are used to launder money
  • Hitmen and organized crime
  • Historical building preservation
  • History of Atlanta
  • Firefighter deaths in the line of duty
  • Path to become police detective
  • Do detectives have to start over at a new police department if they move
  • Georgia Aquarium
  • How quickly does FBI get involved with a kidnapping
  • Injuries from second-story fall

What do you think of my list? Any red flags that make you think I should arrange for a local writing friend to delete my search history in the event of my untimely death? What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever searched for online?

One thought on “Writer Internet Search History (or How to Look like a Psycho without Trying)

  1. Ha, that’s pretty funny. Never thought about that. My search would be most interesting 🤔 dare to even think about it lol.

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