Happy Birthday, Little Bit! A Tribute to My Daughter

Happy Birthday, Little Bit! A Tribute to My Daughter

I love my kids. Like really love them, but more than that, I like them. A lot. They are at cool ages where, for the most part, we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. We do fun things together like run errands, putter in the kitchen, and watch Netflix. I have a special “our show” with each of them.

This is a big year for our family. Big Kid is a high school senior. This fall in particular is B-A-N-A-N-A-S as we take on his final football season, research and visit colleges, encourage him to keep up the GPA, tackle entrance exams, and all the other things that go along with senior year. I’ve already had so many tumultuous feelings about this tremendous milestone for Big Kid. He is my first born, the one who made me a mama. He is a total sweetheart, an absolute joy, a hilarious delight, and a total hot mess. Some of his family nicknames include “Party in a Box” and “Tender Warrior” because of his love of good times, his cravings for adventure, and the fact that the only thing about him bigger than his O-lineman size is his beautiful heart. Our son is an Enneagram 7 to a T, known as the Enthusiast or the Adventurer.

To say he’s getting a little more of our focus and attention so far this year is probably an understatement. Especially because Little Bit, though only an eighth-grader, is incredibly capable. We know she will stay disciplined and work hard toward crushing her goals in academics and athletics. We trust she will easily stay the course because, as an Enneagram 1, that’s just who she is. But right now, Little Bit is front and center of my heart and mind. She just turned 14 this week.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! ~Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

When my husband and I decided the time felt right to start our family, neither of us truly had a preference for the sex of our kids. We said it would be fun to have both a boy and a girl. And we joked that if we could put in a request, it would be great to have a son first, followed by a daughter. But above all, we just prayed for healthy kids. We ended up with our dream team of older brother/younger sister, and it has been such an amazing journey. Each child has brought blessings and challenges that we wouldn’t trade for anything. Our kids’ personalities couldn’t be more different, but they share the sweetest relationship, even at nearly four years apart in age.

As time flies by and our kids’ milestones start piling up, I try to view every one as an opportunity to reflect and honor each of our children. Thinking over our daughter’s personality, gifts, and accomplishments this past week, I confess I’m a bit in awe of her – and maybe even a little intimidated by her. Little Bit is incredibly disciplined and fastidious. She currently participates in select soccer and runs cross country. She was invited to “run up” this season with the high schoolers, even though she’s still in middle school. She takes a full load of advanced high school courses and is active in several school clubs and activities. She carries a loaded plate, and I find myself praying for protection from burnout for her and checking in with her often to make sure she’s handling everything well. And she does. Handle everything well.

She comes home from either school or practice each day with a plan of attack for her homework. She keeps a detailed calendar with all her tests, projects, and assignment due dates and studies every day leading up to tests. No last-minute cramming for this girl. She begins each day with quiet time after she’s showered and dressed – before she eats breakfast.

Little Bit loves mightily and is a loyal friend. She enjoys a tight-knit group of core friends, and we are grateful for and adore these lovely friends of hers. Little Bit is kind, funny, and intelligent, but is also known to be spicy, feisty, and fierce when warranted. She knows her own mind, and there is no swaying her from anything she’s set her mind and heart to.

Obviously, I could go on with this braggadocios post ad nauseam. Suffice to say, I am beyond proud of our daughter. Happy Birthday, Little Bit! Keep shining your light bright. I cannot wait to see what you do in the world someday, probably sooner than I’ll be ready for.

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Little Bit! A Tribute to My Daughter

  1. Oh how I love this. They are exactly 💯 what you wrote. I love these kids so much and I am so proud God sent them to y’all to raise ❤️ . Y’all have been and are continuing to be the light from where their light comes from. You both show them how to love deeply by loving deeply yourselves. You are both wonderful examples for your children being whom they are by your guidance. I could not be more proud of all of you ❤️. I love you all beyond words.

  2. Post Author Laura DeBow

    Thanks, Mama! I learned from the best! Love you!

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